Additional Email Security

Email filtering software can mean the difference between safety and a costly cyber-attack for your business. Learn more about this extra layer of defense.

Cloud-Based Email Filtering Can Save Your Business

The built-in spam filter on your email is good, but email filtering software can help ensure that phishing emails are flagged. Email is the most effective method of delivering cyber-attacks. As technology advances, phishing emails become harder to detect. Email filtering software can mean the difference between safety and a costly cyber-attack for your business. It is important to consider the benefits of having this extra layer of defense. 

What is Email Phishing?

Email Phishing is when a threat actor sends cyber threats disguised in an email. The email will typically look normal or mirror a trusted source, but opening this email or any attachments can cause your company a lot of damage. Phishing emails may result in email compromise, credential theft, account takeover, ransomware, and more. 

How Email Filtering Can Help

Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace have measures in place to protect you against phishing scams, but they are not perfect and let malicious emails slip through sometimes. Installing an email filtering service can help spot all bad emails. This AI-based service watches your email habits and internally builds a list of trusted contacts that you regularly engage with. It compares suspicious emails to the trusted contacts and determines if it is a threat or not. 

When the email filtering system finds an email that it thinks is suspicious, a warning banner will appear. Then you get to decide whether or not the email is safe or if you want to block it. There is also an automatic quarantine setting where the system will automatically block any suspicious emails and notify you when it does. Since this service is AI based, the algorithm used to detect suspicious email will get stronger over time. The more you check your email, the better protected you are from email phishing.

simpleroute Can Get You Started

Email filtering software is a great tool that can protect your business from serious threats and losses. If you are considering installing an email filtering service for your business, contact us by phone (802-881-0010) or by email ( We are here to discuss your options with you. 

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