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VoIP Design & Failover Services

Budget-friendly enterprise-ready voice solutions with VoIP design & failover services

How much are you spending on your analog phone system? Do you have multiple locations with different phone numbers? Are you experiencing call-flow issues using your current phone system, or having difficulty reaching your employees when they’re outside the office? Chances are, you could save money while greatly improving employee productivity with a solid VoIP solution.

If you haven’t heard of VoIP, it may be time to consider the advantages of embracing a digital communication system. VoIP is a network-based phone system that allows you to make and receive calls over the internet, allowing you to make long-distance or international phone calls at a fixed rate and maintain uptime with redundant connectivity. No more dropped calls, difficulty transferring, or costly long-distance charges. IT’s that simple®.

Platforms today can integrate with your back-office operations, allowing you a customized phone system perfectly suited to your business’s needs. Users can travel and still make calls from your company phone numbers. A properly designed and deployed system can eliminate the jitter and latency issues that have plagued legacy or poorly implemented deployments.

If you’re considering making the switch to VoIP, you may be worried that downtime will render your VoIP system useless. Fear not – VoIP comes with a variety of failover options, and simpleroute® can help you design a system suited to your needs a budget which is ready to handle your business communications, even when your network is not.

Interested in learning more about the benefits of digital voice? Our system is ready to take your call, so call us today at 802-881-0092 or use the contact button below to get started!


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